Zero Tolerance

In accordance with the league's NO-TOLERANCE POLICY, if a coach or player is assessed (2) unsportsmanlike technical fouls in a game, said person is ejected from the game and the premises.

This ejection also carries with it a minimum one game suspension(Executive Board discretion decision). Two ejections invoke a season-ending suspension. 

A cumulative total of (3) technical fouls by a player or coach during the season carries with it a mandatory one game suspension for the next scheduled game after this third infraction, regular season or playoffs inclusive. 

In addition to the above...

1) NO alcohol involvement before and during ANY BMBB activity

2) NO firearms, weapons or implements of destruction at ANY BMBB activity

3) NO illegal substances to be used while involved in ANY BMBB activities

4) NO discouraging, negative or violent behavior nor disrespect will be tolerated towards ANY player, coach, referee, or attendee.


The Head Coach of a team is not only responsible for his/her own behavior, but is also responsible for the behavior of his/her players & parents!!!

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